Sunday, September 12, 2010

The Inner Voice Inside!

You ever have that moment when something tugs at you so strong you can't hold back. That's the inner voice inside you. Do you ever want to call a friend or someone you haven't heard from in a while? You think about it and then it passes. A few days later, the phone rings or you are out at the park and about, and there is the same person you had just been thinking about. The inner voice inside you and them. They will usually say something to you that sounds like, "hey I was just thinking about you the other day or I had a dream about you." Like Izzy in this picture after something woke her up. She has that look like what was that? That's the inner voice, or in Izzy's case, the inner bark, inside her. Lol  Just had to do it .....

It's pretty cool. Don't ignore it because you never know when your inner voice is trying to tell you something. Listen to it, let it out, so you don't miss out on what it might bring for you. It could be just what you may need right now. You might be sitting down as your inner voice speaks to you, about what you are now reading. Just don't talk back to it, that's a different type of inner voice, we don't want to deal with now or ever. Lol.

Maybe your inner voice is thinking about buying or selling.
It's EZ with the Eidson Team!

1 comment:

  1. Enjoyed the blog. Very cute and interesting. I like how you use the inner voice looking to buy or sell real estate.


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