Sunday, April 11, 2010

Wow what a Birthday!

Me and my family got together at the park to celebrate my great, great, nephew's first B-day about a month ago. It was so awesome to see all those kids, playing together and the family all getting along so well. Isn't that what it's all about, having family and friends get together, to celebrate a little boys life. It was such a beautiful day too. The kids were playing in one of those bouncing houses, I'll call it, and if the top wouldn't have been on that thing, they would have been bouncing UP AND AWAY!

Me and my sister were hanging around at the entrance to the bouncing house and were pretending that we were going to get the ones bouncing nearest to us. They were giggling and falling all over themselves. It was so much fun seeing them laugh and call after us like we were the monsters coming to take them away. That's the part of the party you can't help but like the most when seeing all the children having such a great time.

It was great seeing both sides of the family. The Moms, Dads, Grandmas, Grandpas, Uncles, Aunts, Brothers, Sisters, Nephews, Nieces, Friends, Grandchildren and even a Ferret that yawned when you rubbed her head. It was so comical looking that everyone at the park wanted to see the yawning Ferret, especially the children. Once the initial presence of the Ferret wore off it was back to the chase and the bounce away house. Sure wish we could have gotten a picture of that silly Ferret.

I was talking to Ian and his dad, Peter, and I said, "this is so great you can do this for you're children, and all who are here. He said, " I want my kids to have the very best." I liked what he said. Let's face it, nowadays most people can barely look out the front door. What amazed me is, everyone that came, were from all over the state of Florida. No one seemed to mind it either. They came from From Titisville, Miami, Stuart, Tequesta and wherever else. We all met up at a Phipps park in West Palm Beach. I really admired the ones that drove so far to get there. That's love I will tell you. What made it all so great was there were no arguments or anyone out of hand. It must have had to do with no alcohol at the party. Wow does that make a good impression on those children. No wonder they were all having so much fun and not to mention the sore muscles we adults were about to have the next day, myself included, didn't even matter. We were having too much fun from playing a little chase about. with the kids. We were listening to the laughter as it resonated throughout the place and people we didn't even know were asking questions about the birthday boy and all the fun we were having. That's what I call doing it right, after all it was for the Birthday Boy, Ian. What a cutie pie.

Finally, the presents, mostly clothes, some cool toys and a delicious chocolate and vanilla cake with white icing. Notice I remembered that cake. Also we ate until we could hardly walk or run anymore with all the delicious food there. Ian's Brother, Isaiah, decided to jump in and help to open a few gifts as my great niece, Tonya, Ian's mom, passed around each gift as it was carefully ripped apart.

Tonya, made a taco salad dip that could have been the meal practically by itself. You can tell that's my favorite dish. We had all different kinds of pizza, wings etc. Fried food, chips, water and sorted sodas galore. It was a food fest of a Birthday. We all had a blast and thanked Peter and Tonya for putting together the best of the best for all of us, especially for Ian. After all, we were all there for Ian's first Bday! Wow what a Birthday!

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