Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Your Life Depends Upon It!

I think sometimes our dogs can teach us that we should care more about ourselves. Bobo and Izzy, my two dogs really love each other. They love to lay together after a good rough housing time or just lick each others eyes, ears, wherever to keep each other clean. Also, if I get a scratch they are licking on it. If they get a scratch they are on it. That licking they do helps heal many different things they can get. It helps heal us sometimes too. If they were hurt we would run them straight to our Vet. We wouldn't think twice about how much it costs to get them taken care of unless we just don't have the money to do it. We would find a way though believe it. So why not take care of yourself too. By design, they were made to practically heal themselves. You've heard that saying, physician heal thyself, well we could learn from that. Take your vitamins, keep in shape, go for a walk, ride a bike, play with your pets. Make good choices in your life and you will feel the better for it.

Most of us don't like to go to the Doctor. Obviously we have to from time to time. Some people wouldn't go to the Doctor unless their lives depend upon it. You know what happens in most of those cases. They may never recover once they get to that point. It's our responsibility to start taking over our lives as God intended for us to do. Even the Bible talks about what we should eat and or drink.

Let's make the best of our lives. The better we feel, the more we feel good about ourselves and others. Your life depends on it.
If you are looking to buy or sell Real Estate, it's best to use a Realtor. Looking for one in the Jupiter area:

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